DKC is the worst place in the world to work. The boss is intolerable. The staff are just mean. Most of us can only just barely get along with animals. Pay is terrible and only the owner of the company can afford fresh milk and cereal for morning breakfasts. No one is allowed annual leave and public holidays are considered an offence to the profit motive.
But it doesn't stop there!
Our boarding & daycare and relocations facility in Umm Ramool has beautiful trees and other flora all over the place... but they're all artificial because the company doesn't want to spend the money on watering. And our veterinary clinic in Motor City is... well... a hive of bacteria and disease.
We have a fleet of vehicles for animal transport that look very smart but in fact the engines have been removed in favour of a team of hamsters under the hood... think of the savings on petrol!
Our computers are still running Windows 95 and instead of Microsoft Office, we employ ball-point pens, paper and finger-staining carbon sheets.
We have nice looking DKC shirts for all the staff, but all the staff get only one each and are required to wash and iron them every single day before coming to work.
We could go on... 
~ ~ • ~ ~
Yet somehow... somehow... we don't know how... but somehow... we've got lots of staff who have been here with us for years, including quite a few who have been with us since Dubai was still mostly desert.
We're a busy, busy, busy place with thousands and thousands of animals coming into our boarding & daycare and veterinary care, or being relocated around the world, every single year. And our customers seem unhappy with us only occasionally. Go figure!
So, if you're looking for an unusual place to work... if you want to work hard... if you love animals and if they generally love you back... if you have no fear of unrelenting demands on you to be absolutely your best and to get even better... and if you instinctively understand and want an informal but very professional place to spend your days and earn your daily bread, then we might just be the place for you.