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love... and other stuff too

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Warning!: This page is for those who love reading and crave detail!  

We take it for granted that your dogs want to have fun; that they want to and should run around and bark and play... and of course socialize with other dogs too; or that your quieter ones want to be cuddled and held and sit in our lap... or lie down in a quiet corner to just be. We take it for granted that your cats might want a scratch behind the ears or to make a little mischief with whatever is handy, be it a toy or something that wasn't originally meant to be a toy at all! We take it for granted that dogs and cats and most other animals love to be outside in the fresh air or snoozin' under the beatin' sun, and that, like us, a little shade or air-conditioned relief is just the thing after the tanning session is done... and that they can choose which and when.

We take it for granted that when you're on holiday or away for any reason and you need a pet hotel, you'd like to think of your dogs as being on a kind of holiday too, and of your cats, birds, rabbits... all of them... as having a good time and being taken care of in a way that makes you and your pets feel safe and watched over ~ and that when you return your pet is happy and well.

And perhaps most of all, we know that you take it for granted that anyone caring for your pets must fundamentally, almost compulsively, love animals ~ because without that, you and we ain't got nothin'. 



...and other stuff too

But here are some other things we think about too.

Everything is about training. Everything. We think about this a lot.

Many organisations, whether it's one like ours or an IT company or a bank or a hotel or a hospital... you name it, just about every one of them makes public claims about how well they train their staff. Some actually do.

It is not difficult to find real animal lovers ~ so many of us are. It can be very very difficult, however, to find real animal lovers who are also committed to the rigours of a very serious Animal Care and Animal Relocations training program and the very long, intense hours, months and sometimes years involved in becoming a truly knowledgeable and experienced Animal Handler and Relocations specialist. It takes almost immeasurable amounts of dedicated training and group effort to coordinate Animal Care and Relocations people to work in an organised and thoughtful way as they all come together to provide care for your pets and other animals. And when we find the right people (or they find us!), we actually rejoice. (Yeah, sounds corny, we know. But it's true.)

Yes, Animal Care is first and foremost about loving animals of all kinds ~ but it's also much more than this. And yes, most, if not all pet owners implicitly understand that the people they entrust with their pets must have gone through some sort of training, just like in any other business. But how much? To what extent? And in what areas exactly?

Although we of course have formally educated vets and qualified nurses working in our clinic, our boarding and relocations people are not formally trained by universities or other independent education systems because no such systems exist for this type of work and vocation. Now, perhaps it seems crazy to suggest that there is something especially complicated or technically demanding about boarding and relocations work, but indeed there is ~ if this work is taken very seriously. So although this is work with lots of pleasure mixed in (because, after all, our job is to be with animals all day... and how cool is that?!), doing it well and responsibly takes a whole lot of learning.

Just as you expect there to be fun and play and good food and water and cuddles (we do too), don't you also actually expect, when you think about it, that someone who really has learned about animals (of all kinds) is watching over your pet when you're not there or when relocating?; someone who actually knows when things are good with your pet but who can also identify when something may not be so good and knows what to do about it?; someone... some people... with love for and interest in your critters, but also with skill and an experienced eye, with the support of an organisation behind them which merits and requires not only love of animals but also studious, committed knowledge? As with just about everything in life, a thing can be done with great care, attention to detail and enormous preparedness... or less so.

So we want you to know, whether or not it seems kinda crazy, that all our Animal Handlers and all support staff go through months and months of detailed, systematized training in animal care (and indeed in customer care) procedures and protocols, shaped by 30+ years of experience, before they work independently with your pets and you. And that it is more than a full year of ongoing close supervision before our more experienced Animal Handlers finally, gently toss those newbies out of our newbie training nest. The same is true of our Global Relocations Account Managers and their support staff too.

We know it can seem immodest to flap on about ourselves in this way, but we think training is so important that we often think of ourselves as a training organisation first and then as a pet care, relocations and veterinary company. How can we care for animals and relocate them, and indeed do quality veterinary work, unless we really very carefully know what we need to know, right down through all non-veterinary and support staff? We believe this is what makes the difference here, so we're shouting out about it a bit.

~ ~ • ~ ~

If you're thinking this is all just a lot of dishonest blather meant only to get you through our doors, we understand. Who can you trust?

But our doors are always open. Any one of you is welcome at any time to come see us; not only for a casual visit, but to inspect. You are welcome to spend a day with us, or just a few hours; to get behind the scenes and work with our staff (in Boarding & Daycare, Global Relocations or our veterinary clinic) or just ask a ton of questions. There are no time limits, no nooks and crannies you're not allowed to see (and not everything is picturesque!), and we're not only happy but in fact eager to show you as much of the way we work as you might be interested in.

Love for animals and training is the basis for all we do. We genuinely invite you to put us to the test.

We also think and do a lot about your pet's health... and not just from a general point of view but specifically and carefully about how to know what your pet's health is in detail... before the need for a vet arises and, in fact, so that we can aid any vet in dealing with problems we discover or which come up because we can provide very detailed background and ongoing information about your pet while they are boarding or in daycare with us. We do a lot to continue knowing through constant monitoring and documenting so that on any given day, at any given moment, we know and can communicate to each other within DKC, to you, and to your vet (whether you use DKC Veteriniary Clinic) or another preferred vet) exactly how your pet has been doing, in case that knowledge is ever required.

  • We carefully and meticulously (and usually a little playfully too) give your pet a good once-over when he or she arrives so that we know his or her current condition in just about every respect. This means that following the hugs and cuddles and smiles upon arrival, we check his or her ears, eyes, teeth, nails and paws, body and coat, mood and temperament... every little thing to make sure we know what's going on. You'd be amazed how much we learn and how, usually (though not always!), they love the attention! Oh, and we do this for birds and rabbits and, well, every creature who comes to stay with us.
    And if our human customers ask nicely, we'll do it for them too! (you cheeky devil, you   )
  • If you have a pet on medication, bring him or her to us. We have careful protocols in-place to ensure that medication is given correctly in all respects, including for diabetics, and staff at the ready any time of day. And of course we work very closely with our own vets and yours when needed.
  • Every single day, for every single pet in our care, we monitor and document how much they eat, whether or not they are toileting and how well or poorly, and give them a physical once-over during cuddle sessions to make sure they're well. We also weigh each and every dog and cat at least every two weeks, even when there is no suspicion of a problem, just to make sure we are sure that all is good. We have a lot of staff doing a lot of careful work to make sure we know your pets are well, and it's amazing how much we learn while playing ball with them in our yards, dangling toys in front of your felines, or talkin' to Peter the Parrot.
  • Every single day, every single animal in our care gets the attention and real interest you'd want and expect from us, but while this is happening they are also getting our experienced eye as we monitor and document their overall and specific wellbeing. If anything suspicious develops, we have a behavioural and medically-related history to help us understand how he or she is and to act on things quickly. If there is anything about which we are uncertain, we contact you, and failing that, we talk with our own vets and yours.

We know you don't really want to think about things going wrong, but sometimes they do, whether your pet is in your own home with you, with a friend or with us. We try very hard to know exactly what's going on at all times. When there is nothing wrong, and usually there isn't, then fun, love, barking, meowing and squawking is the name of the game.

If your cat has a sniffle or a snuffle or shows any other symptoms of flu during her stay with us, we like to administer a dietary supplement containing L-Lysine; it comes in a tasty gel and is an excellent and completely safe way to boost your cat's immune system and help her fight off those pesky colds. L-Lysine reduces the effects of one of the most common types of flu-causing viruses in cats, shortens the duration of the symptoms and also reduces the possibility of your cat spreading the virus around to others. If your cat has ever had flu before (and many have!), then it's very possible that she may be a carrier of this particular common virus (don't worry!) and could either pass it on to other cats or experience the symptoms herself again. So, we like L-Lysine and we'd like to be able to use it with your cat if and when we think it might be needed or can just help a little to make your cat feel good when she's not so good. But... there's a catch! You see, we do need to charge you for the administration of this little helper-upper - not a lot, just our tiny little "medication administration" fee (see our Price List) - and we thought in addition to telling you about the good it can do, we ought to tell you that it ain't free of charge. (Sorry!) The important thing is that using L-Lysine is completely up to you, no pressure whatsoever, and our Handlers will talk to you about it if we think the need arises.

Now to the canine side of things.

If while with us your dog shows any symptoms of digestive upset in the form of loose stools or diarrhoea, but is otherwise perfectly well in all other ways and is eating well and has his usual level of energy, we like to administer a probiotic paste called Promax. This product is a triple-action supplement to help restore normal digestive function in dogs, containing a probiotic called enterococus faecium which multiplies rapidly in the intenstine and increases the gut acidity which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, and therefore really helps to normalise any upsetting bacteria in his intestines, and counteracts the causes of diarrhoea. Promax does not contain any medication at all and is very safe to use. It's a 3-day course and we feed it straight into his mouth (it's quite yummy it seems) and most cases of diarrhoea completely disappear within a couple of days. Nice! Additionally, we often want to switch your dog's food type to a special veterinary diet which deals directly with intestinal issues, and both this and Promax, used either separately or together, usually really do the job! But!... yep, both the intestinal food and Promax also come with our tiny little "medication administration" fee (if either one or both are used) (see our Price List), plus the cost price of the Promax (we do not charge a mark-up for this at all), and so this too is absolutely up to you. Just talk it through with our Handlers when you make your booking, or on the day of arrival, or indeed anytime thereafter if your pooch is having a bit of an issue (which of course our handlers will alert you to).

Having said all this, if your pets do not feel better even with our in-house medical magic, we will then probably want to take them to see a vet. Of course we won't do this without first getting in touch with you, but we're mentioning it here so that you're aware and prepared, including about our vet handling fee which would be added to your invoice in these circumstances and if you agree. You can learn more about the charges associated with this by taking a look at our Price List.

We have a selection of foods we have come to rely on for all the animals in our care... dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, tortoises, guinea pigs, lizards... you name it.

Royal Canin for dogs and cats. This product is widely regarded by veterinarians worldwide and in the research as genuinely premium food for general daily feeding. Furthermore, this product has a special veterinary diet product line of one type or another which address specific nutritional or dietary needs that your pet might have as diagnosed and prescribed by your vet, which we will more than happily provide your pet while in our care if your vet provides us with that instruction.

Specifically "designed" "salads" for rabbits and rodents and birds based on their actual physiological needs, as well as some selected high-quality dry foods such as Beaphar... but not food out of a box from your local grocer.

And believe it or not (please believe it!), these choices are all based on real research we've done to make sure we're doing right by you and your pet, and we continue to research and make improvements in this area as we go along.

If you'd like to know more about how and why we feed your pets the way we do, just ask. If you want the "recipe" for our "salads", you're welcome to them (it's actually not that complicated but it is carefully considered).

If you have your own special diet for your pet, that's fine too. Just let us know what it is and in most cases we can make that happen, usually at no additional charge to you.

The point is that we do not just purchase products sold by clever people who say it's the best. All products are carefully researched by us so that we have confidence in them. Then if experience suggests one thing or another about a product, or about one of our "salads", we pay close attention and act on it.

We know that some of you have pets who can sometimes be a little difficult to get along with ~ dogs, cats, birds and others (you have a snake?) who are sometimes either a little edgy with strangers (we're not that strange, are we?) or, truthfully, just downright aggressive.

Well, all our Handlers are trained to work with aggressive animals of all kinds and our more senior staff have significant experience.

You and your pet are always welcome here.

We know it, you know it, everyone talks about it: dogs are social animals and love to play and mix it up with other dogs.

We take this seriously. In fact, when you go through our admission process, one of the questions we'll ask you is whether or not you'd like your dog to share an enclosure with another dog even if not from the same family (we call this "Buddy-Boarding"). We'll also ask if you would like us to introduce your dog to other dogs during playtime in our yards, even if they're not Buddy-Boarding. We'd like you to consider this seriously because we, like many, believe that socializing dogs is not only good for them but important for them (and possibly important for you and your family too).

We will not socialize your dog, either by sharing enclosures or during playtime, unless you tell us we can. Trust this.

We know that a fair number of you feel that your dog will not socialize well at all; either too shy and afraid, or perhaps too much potential for aggressiveness. That's true. Not every dog gets along well with others or immediately wants to. And we're very careful about respecting their characters and your wishes in this regard.

However, we also know that a great many dogs do love to socialize. We know that a lot of dogs who are believed by their owners not to socialize well, or dogs who "don't like being with other dogs", are often really just not used to it because they haven't had enough opportunity nor enough exposure to other dogs under watchful and experienced eyes. This can be especially true in the UAE where the social physical infrastructure just isn't set up to encourage dogs and their owners to get out there... together. We know that most dogs, from the smallest to the largest, ultimately want to socialize and, once past their initial problems with it (whatever those problems are), are very happy to and accordingly can often further develop beautifully as dogs in character, confidence and general behaviour because of it.

  • With your permission, we only put dogs together who are of a similar size, strength and overall temperament. If they are not similar, then before socializing we must know from you that they already know each other well (from the same family or even friends of family, for example) and that you have asked us to put them together.
  • Our most experienced Animal Handlers make all decisions about which dogs can socialize together, and there is always monitoring and control when this happens.
  • We always pay attention to the needs and character of the dog. If they're gung ho and ready-to-go, great. If your dog is quieter, shyer and more tentative, then we go slow, at their pace, or not at all if that's ultimately how they are happiest.
  • We have a lot of handling staff, with a very high staff-to-animal ratio (this is a key statistic in determining some aspects of the quality of care your pet will get in an animal care and daycare facility). This means that the attention needed to socialize your dog in a safe and happy way is available at the very least because of sheer numbers.

We do urge you to let us let your dog play, have fun and socialize with other dogs as much as possible, for their sake and yours. (Take a look at our Kennels Pictures and the DKC Video Tour to get an idea of how good it can be.)

Seriously, didn't you know that runnin' crazy for 10 minutes and then stoppin' to sniff butt is simply the most fun you can have in the world!?

So, the story goes like this: Cats are solitary animals, they don't love everyone, they may love only a certain few, and they may in fact love NO ONE! And they CERTAINLY don't like to socialise with other cats! No way! Too territorial. To individualistic. Too... well, just too. Right? Right!

Well, we've got a slightly different story to tell, and we think some of you do too.

Look, the above story is true for many cats. Definitely. But not for all. We know this because we're taking care of innumerable cats each year and what we've learned is that there are many other types of cat: cats who love attention, love cuddles, love people, and... wait for it... love being with other cats!

So what do we do? We socialise them. We're careful about this; thoughtful, watchful and sure. But we do ~ with the permission of our customer's, of course. And we do this in a few different ways, depending on the cat's and cat-owner's needs and wishes.

Some cats are let out of their enclosure into the main corridor area of our secure catteries so that they can mingle with one or two (or three? oh no, not that!) other cats from other families whose owners want to let their cats socialise too.

Some cats are are put into our Cat Jungle with other cats. Again, same thing: it's secure, it's careful and thoughtful and monitored, and it's a lovely chance for a cat to socialise. Most of the time this works extremely well and the cats love the experience. Sometimes they don't. When they don't, we don't; and we let our customers know how it's all going, with regular updates.

And finally, if the cat in question is a REALLY friendly cat who just LOVES socialising, and if their owner is keen to explore this socialising possibility even further, we also do Buddy-Boarding for cats, believe it or not. Now, admittedly, Buddy-Boarding for cats requires particularly socially inclined cats, but it's definitely doable for some cats and they really enjoy being in an enclosure with a buddy instead of being alone, whether it's to play and romp together or just quietly snooze.

We think socialising and, yes, Buddy-Boarding for cats can be a real good thing. So we'd like you to think about it and then talk to us if you're interested.

Some dog owners (and indeed kennels operators) feel that when their dog stays in a kennels, they should be completely separated from other dogs when in their enclosures ~ not only physically but also visually and, to whatever extent possible in some cases, aurally too. They feel that this helps to keep stress down and to keep dogs more calm and quiet. This view is also sometimes motivated by concerns on the part of kennel operators about zoning laws related to noise control (the idea being that if dogs can't see each other, they'll bark less) and, in the case of shelters, concerns about controlling and containing illness within a population of dogs and cats with a completely unknown vaccination history.

There are many kennelling facilities and shelters in the UAE and around the world which are designed with just these goals in mind, whereby the enclosures are solid walls of one construction material or another on three sides (and sometimes up to the roof), and the only open face of the enclosure is the front. The daily reality for dogs in this kind of environment is that most, if not all, of the contact and interaction they get is only with the human beings taking care of them, or for limited and controlled periods of time with other dogs in group sessions.

To be frank, we don't agree with this approach for a kennels which cares for family pets who have all been properly vaccinated and are well looked after. We're not being very diplomatic, it's true, but we think it has to be said. And we hope you will consider it.

Our kennels do, of course, have distinct, separate and safe enclosures. Of course. However, they are also very open. How? Take a look at the pictures in this section and here. What you can see is that our enclosures are indeed enclosed but they are also very open in the sense that all the dogs are able to see each other, bark with each other, interact and experience the place together, whether or not our Handlers are engaging with them directly. As a result, your dogs are often very active and stimulated through much of each day, and they are interested in and enlivened by the environment in a way that is, actually, difficult if not impossible to reproduce back at home and elsewhere.

~ ~ • ~ ~

Imagine you're a dog.

Now imagine that you're in a place where you can smell and hear the other dogs and people around you but you can't see them; can't interact with them.

We know from experience that most dogs feel safer and happier when they can see what's going on around them and can actually engage with it all, openly and excitedly, while at the same time having some limits on their choices because they are indeed in an enclosure.

Imagine you're a dog and that you're generally having a good ol' social time... along with the romps in the yard with other dogs or on your own or with our Handlers, AND while in your enclosure you can still... how shall we put it... uh... party!

That's not stress, in our view, it's community. It's what dogs naturally enjoy and want. It's barking at each other and with each other in chorus, and jumpin' about. All that exercise and activity and stimulation, even when inside your enclosure. It's socializing, safely, even when they're being quiet or sleeping.

And yes, of course it's true that not all dogs want that strong community... a few don't... but we pay attention to that too. We have enclosures that are a little more away from the centre of activity, and if we really see that your dog wants even more quiet and calm, we often bring them into our offices to spend time with our staff as they work... sitting or lying at their feet or by their desks or, on the not-so-odd-occasion, in their laps.

Do come to our place to experience this for yourself; the general level of comfort, the excitement and simple contentedness of the community, all of which we feel every day and hope you will too. Stay as long as you like and feel how our kennels really is a dog's place.

Chewing, chewing, chewing... EVERYTHING! I love my dog BUT...

It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your dog!

Good dogs destroy things, bad

<h5>Chewing, chewing, chewing... EVERYTHING! I love my dog BUT...</h5><p>It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your dog!</p> <p>Good dogs destroy things, bad dogs destroy things (is there such a thing as a bad dog? NO WAY!). And the reasons for it are plentiful (though you can be excused for thinking that the reason it happens only when you're not at home is some deep-rooted evil).</p> <p>If your dog is young, chewing things is usually normal and necessary behaviour, and is often out of boredom. Young dogs really do need lots of stimulation and to be given toys that will stimulate them (whether you're away from home or not) round-the-clock.</p> <p>But there are other causes of DEEEEEESTRUCTION(!) which are more fear/phobia-related than boredom or youth. Your dog may chew on stuff in order to calm herself down, for example, or she might chew on whatever perceived obstacle stands in her way and where she wants to get to for a greater feeling a safety.</p> <p>And then there's <i>separation anxiety</i>, which can be a serious behavioural condition with one possible result being severe destruction of the area your dog is in, possibly so severe that your dog might even cause harm to herself in her attempt to escape or from sheer manic fear and anxiety, with no particular goal in mind.</p> <p>If she's young, get toys ~ lots of them, and hardy ones. If you think the problem is something more than youthfulness, get advice. Yes, your vet is a good place to start but there are also very knowledgeable people in good kennels and dog behaviourists. Whatever the course you take, take <em>some</em> course, because no one wants to stop loving their dog due to really destructive, unhappy behaviour.</p>
Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?
<h5>Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>When to clip your dog's claws depends on the amount of exercise your dog gets and, importantly, the type of surface your dog exercises on. If you can manage to get some walkies time on rougher surfaces (such as roads (but be safe!)), this will usually be sufficient to maintain those claws at a good length. (Oh, and by the way, a good part of puppy training should always include playing with their feet ~ this gets them used to having their paws and claws touched, making it easier as they get older to clip those claws when necessary.)</p> <p>As for cats... well, they have retractable claws (very high-tech!), and so they keep them smooth by scratching on posts or (don't say it!!) your furniture... when they get their claws out! As for length, however, this usually requires a little hands-on maintenance on your part... or on the part of your vet... whichever of you has more confidence. <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_wink.png" height="15" width="15">  (It's not too difficult, though, so why not ask for some training?)</p> <p>The amount to be cut off depends on the nail length and the length of the small blood vessel within the nail, all of which you need to learn a bit about and can ask any vet or a good kennels/cattery handler about, and then you're off and running.</p> <p>Oh, and by the way, don't forget to clip your bird's claws too!</p></div>
Clipping my pet's claws ~ How often should I do it?
When to clip your dog's claws depends on the...
Do you have a vet on-site?
<h5>Do you have a vet on-site?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>Yes! Uh... No! Uhhhh... let us explain.</p> <p>We do not have a vet <em>on-site</em> at our boarding facility in Umm Ramool.</p> <p>HOWEVER... that really should not worry you. Our own vets at <a href="/what-we-do/dkc-veterinary-clinic" target="_blank">DKC Veterinary Clinic</a> in Motor City are available to our boarding staff 24 hours a day, every single day of the year, so if anything is ever wrong, we do have the resources that you and your pet need. Additionally, our veterinary clinic is open 24/7. All Day. All Night. Always.</p> <p>Furthermore, in almost all cases when a pet is needing veterinary attention, it is not an emergency situation. So we will be able to book appointments with our own clinic or your preferred vet if you wish, and we will also of course always let you know in advance that we are doing that unless for some reason you are unreachable and it cannot wait.</p> <p>Finally, because of <a href="/what-we-do/boarding-daycare/love-and-other-stuff-too" target="_blank">the way we work</a> on a daily basis, we almost always discover very early if there are any developing problems, which also does a lot to keep your pet well and, most importantly, to avoid emergency situations almost all the time.</p></div>
Do you have a vet on-site?
Yes! Uh... No! Uhhhh......
Will my bird have time outside her cage and some interaction with your handlers? What if she's staying in one of your offices?
<h5>Will my bird have time outside her cage and some interaction with your handlers? What if she's staying in one of your offices?</h5> <div class="faq_ans_img"><img loading="lazy" src=""></div> <div class="faq_ans_text"><p>Yes!</p> <p>Little birds have to stay in their cages because they can so easily get <strong><em>too</em> </strong>free for their own good, but they nevertheless very often spend all or most of their time in our offices, while in their cages, where there are always staff and customers to experience and interact with.</p> <p>As for large birds (cockatoos, macaws, African greys), if they tend to be very noisy (talkative?) we need to be cautious in our promises to you because we also have to serve our other customers on the phone and in person, as you know, so a really "talkative" large bird can make all that pretty difficult, meaning we might not be able to have them in our offices at all. BUT... DON'T WORRY... no matter what kind of squawker your bird is, all large birds in our care get a lot of time out of their cages and with our handlers, and spend a lot of time in our aviary ~ sometimes inside their cages, sometimes outside, but always given lots of attention. And in our lovely aviary (for both large and small birds), they have plenty of time to check things out and interact with staff, in addition to the regular feeding and bathing times they always get.</p></div>
Will my bird have time outside her cage and some interaction with your handlers? What if she's staying in one of your offices?
Yes! Little birds have to stay in their cages because they can so easily get too free for their own good, but they...
Is the canine cough vaccination absolutely necessary for my dog to board/daycare?
<h5>Is the canine cough vaccination absolutely necessary for my dog to board/daycare?</h5> <p>The canine cough vaccine is an additional vaccination generally needed only for dogs who stay in a kennels, daycare or any other community of dogs for any period of time. It is often referred to as "kennel cough" because people understandably associate the "cough", and therefore the vaccine, with kennels, but in fact it's an illness, similar to a human cold or flu, which can be caught and spread around in any community of dogs, much like a human cold caught by kids at school or adults in an office environment.</p> <p><span xss=removed data-mce-mark="1">This is because canine cough is airborne and highly contagious, which is why it can spread through kennels quickly, when dogs are in close proximity to each other and are barking and playing and running around. It is also transmitted by bacteria on toys, food bowls or other shared objects. Although highly contagious, it is generally not a very severe upper respiratory infection, causing "only" a dry, irritating and hacking cough. Kennels facilities use the vaccination as a way to limit outbreaks and to prevent the spread of the illness if it happens to be brought into the facility by an affected pet. Most facilities will not accept a dog without this vaccination being up-to-date and it is a good idea to have it administered because it generally either prevents or reduces the severity of the disease if it is indeed contracted.</span></p> <p><span xss=removed data-mce-mark="1">If your dog regularly, or even annually, spends time in a kennels, daycare or dog park (or with any group of dogs in any situation), it's a real good idea to keep this vaccination current, even if not asked for or required by the facility you're using.</span></p>
Urinate, shmurinate... all over the house! I love my cat BUT...

It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your cat!

There are a number of possibl

<h5>Urinate, shmurinate... all over the house! I love my cat BUT...</h5><p>It's times like these when you just KNOW you LOVE your cat!</p> <p>There are a number of possible reasons your cat is urinating around your house. It may be either a medically related issue or a behavioural one. Either way, not fun, we know.</p> <p>Medical conditions such as a <i>urinary tract infections</i> or <i>kidney disease</i> may result in your cat urinating more frequently, and sometimes in unusual places. Other medical conditions such as arthritis and dementia may prevent her from reaching her normal litter place and so urinating wherever the hell she gets to. It's important that your cat is examined by a vet to rule out those potential medical causes because if your vet can indeed rule them out, then you know you have a behavioural issue on your hands.</p> <p>In which case... GOOD LUCK TO YOU!</p> <p>No no, just kidding. Stay calm.</p> <p>In the case of behavioural problems, your cat may be marking her territory due to a hormonal influence or urinating in certain areas due to fear or anxiety. And all this, too, your vet will talk with you about once you get past any medical worries as the cause. Also, though, you may want to talk with any knowledgeable catty people (not just vets) ~ they'll often be able to help you identify the cause of behaviour issues and, hopefully, the potential cures. Bottom line: if the issue is behavioural, there can be a lot of different causes, so read, talk, and try to identify which of those causes is most likely at play in your case.</p>
Does my dog have to be neutered to board or daycare with you? And can my dog socialise with others if not neutered?
<h5>Does my dog have to be neutered to board or daycare with you? And can my dog socialise with others if not neutered?</h5> <p>Nope, your dog does not have to be neutered to board or daycare with us or to socialise with other dogs.</p> <p>But... (isn't there <em>always</em> a "but"?!)... there are some good reasons to neuter, so we'll offer some of them up for you here.</p> <p>We have found that dogs who are neutered tend to socialise better and also buddy-board better. Neutering your dog can help calm down his instinct to dominate, which of course can make being with other dogs a little more likely to be an agreeable experience, as you can imagine ~ once neutered, he'll likely (there are never guarantees!) be more interested in actual play than dominance. From a health point of view, it can also be a good decision to neuter. Spaying helps to lower the incidence of uterine infection and breast cancer in females which, when the latter occurs, is fatal in 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. And neutering helps to prevent testicular cancer and disincline males to marking their territory in your home. Finally (well, not "finally" as much as "this is everything we're going to tell you here!), unneutered little 'uns can often be more aggressive, or more easily triggered to aggression, while being neutered can help their (and your) focus on their human family.</p> <p>(Did we mention over-population?)</p>
Food ~ What should my dog and cat be eating?
<h5>Food ~ What should my dog and cat be eating?</h5> <p>The pet food market is VERY large and VERY confusing with ENDLESS different brands and sub-brands, all touting various benefits that indubitably beat out the competition. Well, to simplify things, there are a few basic rules of thumb to follow:</p> <p>Kittens and puppies should be fed kitten and puppy food, and it's best that this is a good quality or premium pet food brand (get your vet's advice on that), as the early years are very important, nutritionally speaking, for correct growth and development. Furthermore, dogs of different sizes should get different puppy foods designed for those sizes and breeds, ideally ~ all premium pet food brands do cater for this. Large breed dogs, for example, are often prone to joint development problems and these diets, if fed correctly, will help in preventing these (though no guarantees, of course).</p> <p>Once kittens are a year old they can be fed adult food, and the same applies for most small-breed dogs. Larger breed dogs will switch to adult food any time from 15-18 months of age, so ask your vet for advice if you're unsure when reading the food manufacturer's guidelines.</p> <p>Animals that are 7 years and older should be fed a senior diet and, again, the premium brands cater for this specifically. Old age is also very important nutritionally and the premium foods have been carefully formulated to aid ageing body organs and joints.</p> <p>Now, there are a lot of people out there who feel that the only correct way to go is to feed freshly prepared food for your pet. While we agree with this in the ideal, there are two very important questions to pose on this front:  1) Do you know exactly what the nutritional requirements are of your pet? Are you THAT knowledgeable, and;  2) Do you have the time to make this rather awesome commitment? If "yes" to both, then great! Go for it!</p> <p>Finally, we also have a very strong opinion about... the fact that your cat should always be eating wet food, if at all possible. Controversial? Disagree vehemently? Wanna fight about it? Well, read this first: <a href="/docs/Wet_Food_for_your_Cat_-_The_Better_Choice.pdf" target="_blank">Wet Food for your Cat ~ The Better Choice</a></p>
Why do dogs eat their own faeces? (Blech!)
<h5>Why do dogs eat their own faeces? (Blech!)</h5> <p>Because they're NUTS, obviously!  <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_wink.png" height="15" width="15"></p> <p>When a dog eats his own faeces, this is called <i>coprophagia</i>. The reason for an animal to eat its own faeces is not completely understood (what a surprise!), however it may be totally normal. It is common in young puppies, as well as females that have just given birth in order to clean their nest environment.</p> <p>In some cases there may be a dietary deficiency, with your dog trying to compensate for this. In these cases, it's important to try to ensure a good, healthy and balanced diet. Or perhaps a young dog may have developed the behaviour and the motivation to continue doing it is due to receiving positive attention for it (believe it or not).</p> <p>It's best to try and remove faeces on a regular basis, as soon as it "appears", but you can also try adding not-so-tasty substances to their faeces (after it's "dropped", of course) to deter the habit, including such things as cayenne pepper and anise; there are also sometimes commercial products available specifically targetted at being added to stool (WHO goes into THAT kind of business?!). But in addition to these war-like tactics, you can try adding "stuff" to their diet, such as probiotics and vitamins (but ask your vet for advice first), and there are also tablets containing yucca, thiamine and capsicum (amoung other things) to be given orally that can sometimes help too.</p> <p>Or you can call your vet!! Help!!</p>
Is it safe to bring my pet into the heat of the UAE?

Yes it is safe. In fact, thousands of pets are imported into the UAE each year; the vast majority

<h5>Is it safe to bring my pet into the heat of the UAE?</h5><p>Yes it is safe. In fact, thousands of pets are imported into the UAE each year; the vast majority do perfectly well here, regardless of the breed.</p> <p>What about those which don't do well? Fundamentally, when things go wrong (such as dehydration and/or heatstroke), it is about how these pets are managed rather than their innate inability to cope with the heat or the fact of the heat being prohibitive. Yes, the UAE is VERY hot for at least 4 or 5 months of the year, and yes you must be careful about this during these periods, but isn't it extremely cold in January in Canada? Or hot in Texas in July? Aren't there any number of locations around the world with extreme temperatures at certain times of the year? And aren't there pets in these places too? Of course there are.</p> <p>You should be aware of the dangers of the heat here, but if you're thoughtful about this, you should be neither worried nor overly concerned. Do some research on the internet and talk to your UAE-based vet for guidance about things to watch out for, and at the most basic level be aware of such things as not&nbsp;leaving your dog or cat outside during the hottest periods of the year for too long, and always make sure there is plenty of water readily available, even if you're going for a walk.</p> <p>There is more to learn about this and plenty of information available from any number of sources. But yes, in short, it is safe to bring your pet.</p>
Should I be worried if my dog or cat has lost or gained weight during their boarding stay?
<h5>Should I be worried if my dog or cat has lost or gained weight during their boarding stay?</h5> <p>No and yes, depending.</p> <p>A little bit of weight gain or loss is very common. It doesn't happen to all pets during every stay in a boarding facility, but it does happen. Pet owners, understandably, often immediately feel that this must mean their pet has not been taken care of properly, but in fact it is more important to look at the entire context and the extent of the loss or gain.</p> <p>Commonly, pets staying in a boarding facility are not eating exactly as they do at home. They may or may not be eating exactly the same food (depending on the arrangements you've made with the kennel or cattery), and even if they are, they may not be eating exactly the same amounts because, despite every effort to get it just right, human beings differ and the precise amounts they provide may be a little different than you do when your pet is at home. So, all this small change can lead to weight gain or loss, in and of itself.</p> <p>More important and relevant than this, however, is that pets are generally much more active in a boarding facility than they are at home. Now <em>wait</em>! We're <em>not</em> saying that you aren't taking good care of your pet by not giving him or her lots of activity. No, not at all. It's just that in a boarding facility, especially one that has a good number of staff and lots of other animals around, the whole environment is very stimulating and there is a lot of exercise for dogs and lots of other general interest for both dogs and cats. And this keeps them more active and generally more stimulated, even if they're in their enclosures. And this, in turn, often leads to a bit of weight loss.</p> <p>And one more thing: In many cases, a little bit of weight loss for dogs and cats is a good thing and although we have many customers who do worry about this, we also have a great many who are pleased to see that their pet has lost a little weght in our care because, in fact, they came in to us a little overweight.</p> <p>But of course, everyone has a different perception of this, and if the weight of your pet is not medically bad, one way or the other, then we do try to maintain the weight your pet comes in with.</p> <p>This all said, too much weight gain or loss IS a problem and if you feel there has been too much either way, we truly hope you'll talk to us about this. We monitor this aspect of your pet's health very closely, with a weight check when they first arrive for boarding and then regular checking every week, or more often if we perceive a potential problem. And if there is a problem, we always let you know about it while you're away and take action when required by adjusting feeding or even consulting your vet.</p> <p>If you're interested in more insight about this important subject, take a look at our page, "<a href="/what-we-do/boarding-daycare/weight-loss-or-gain-while-boarding" target="_blank">Weight Loss or Gain While Boarding</a>".</p>
Teeth Brushing ~ Should I or Shouldn't I?

Teeth brushing!!? For pets!!?? Oh my goodness!! What is the world coming to?!

Well, that'

<h5>Teeth Brushing ~ Should I or Shouldn't I?</h5><p>Teeth brushing!!? For pets!!?? Oh my goodness!! What is the world coming to?!</p> <p>Well, that's probably too philosophical a question for us humble pet owners, so just know this: the less effort and time you put into your dog's or cat's teeth at home, the more likely you will face serious dental issues (and costs) in the future. Yep, it's a sad truth.</p> <p>Dental plaque and tartar build up on your dog's teeth just like it does with us humanoids, so brushing your pet's teeth once daily is best.</p> <p>Once daily!? Can you even <i>imagine</i> doing it this often?</p> <p>It <i>is</i> a lot of work, that's true. Furthermore, some dogs and cats <i>really</i> don't like having their teeth brushed (especially those chompers at the back), which of course will make the job all that more difficult and tiresome, for both of you. But if you get the right tools of the trade (at pretty much any pet shop) and keep at it, the difference will amaze you. Truly. And in fact, if you can't manage it every day, or even every week, then just do what you can whenever you can, because within reason, in this case, <i>something</i> is always better than <i>nothing</i>.</p> <p>This said, there are alternatives to brushing (yay!)... but they're not quite as good (boo!). Dental gels can be rubbed on the gums, and there are products which you can put in their drinking water to help reduce the bacterial load in the mouth. And dental chews of various shapes and sizes do exist, which may or may not be beneficial ~ you'll need to try them and see!</p> <p>Ultimately, if you notice bad breath on your pet or are in any way worried about their teeth, a quick veterinary check will let you know if you need to have your pet's teeth scaled and polished (just like you do when you go to the dental hygienist yourself) ~ most pets will need this done as they get older ~ usually yearly.</p> <p>So what's the point of home dental care if you gotta visit the vet anyway? Well, seriously, frequency of need and cost ~ and the comfort of your pet, of course. You'd be very surprised how many dogs and cats are not feeling as well as you might think, until you see the difference after they've been to the vet for a cleaning and, sometimes, extraction of rotting teeth and sore gums.</p> <p>Sorry folks, but that's the tooth.</p>
Is my pet old?
<h5>Is my pet old?</h5> <p>Don't ya know? You're only as old as you feel! <img alt="" src="/graphics/ic_wink.png" height="15" width="15"></p> <p>Cats are generally considered "senior" once they reach 7 or 8 years of age.<br>Dogs are generally considered "senior" from 7 years of age for small breeds and from 6 years of age for large breeds.</p> <p>Now, if your pet falls into the "senior pet" age range, the following issues may arise: diabetes. kidney disease, heart issues, signs of cancer, liver disease, joint problems, neurological conditions, blindness, deafness, and generalised pain issues, amongst others. Or your pet might be <em>perfectly fine</em>, and indeed many many are... so DON'T PANIC (we're just giving you a bit of info, not a warning ~ promise!). It's important to look after your senior pet's teeth because failing or even rotting teeth can cause unexpected and ultimately unnecessary illness too. And then, of course, there's diet, something which becomes increasingly important as your pet gets older. especially if they have any medical issues. Soooooo... what does this all mean? Well, it means you need to just keep an eye on things and otherwise enjoy your pet.</p> <p>When your pet is staying with us, we are happy and able to administer medications prescribed by your vet and to ensure that he's comfortable with extra soft bedding or whatever else might be needed. If he's on limited exercise, we'll make sure he's cared for appropriate, including a quiet rest spot. And we also have a <a href="/what-we-do/dkc-veterinary-clinic" target="_blank">DKC vet</a> on-call at all times.</p>

Animal Care. Animal Relocations. By Animal People.

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