We asked everyone at DKC to put on a happy face just for YOU!!
(Please forgive us the results. )
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since May 2010
Aladdin just LOVES the beard he doesn't have.
Manager - Boarding & Daycare
Since Oct 2012
She's NOT GRUMPY, we tell you! NOT GRUMPY!
Snow White's got nothin' on her.
...nor her, for that matter.
A ferocious killer. Can you tell?
"I'm just too chubby to sit up." :-(
Manager - Boarding & Daycare
Since Oct 2012
She's NOT GRUMPY, we tell you! NOT GRUMPY!
Assistant Veterinary Nurse
Since Mar 2016
Anjula is a real tongue-wagger.
Global Relocations Office Admin
Since Oct 2016
He's either trying to lift that bench in the oddest way or he's about to defecate. You decide. :-)
Dark and mysterious... and wearing a dress!
Global Relocations Office Admin
Since Oct 2016
He's either trying to lift that bench in the oddest way or he's about to defecate. You decide. :-)
Office Coordinator -cum- Receptionist
Since Dec 2023
The bottom line is this: Brittany likes bird seed.
Please stop harassing her.
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Jan 2025
He loves birds.
But do they love him? ;-)
Since Dec 2016
Being one of our drivers, this is exactly the attitude you'd want, right?
Since Nov 2014
"Peek a boo!"
Animal Handler
Since Jan 2023
Yes, Chloe dear... chairs definitely are a safe place. Usually sat on, but your way is just fine too, darling.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Dec 2022
Monkey see, monkey do? Or just monkeying around?
Get the job done, Christian!! :-D
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Mar 2023
Is he faking it or does he really love that lamppost sooooooo much? Hmmm...
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Sep 2023
There are only so many "men" willing to be SO open, don't you think? ;-)
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Oct 2024
Look at that picture of Dipson for a moment. Gaze into it. Let your imagination go.
Now imagine Dipson is wearing no shirt while in that pose.
Dream? Nightmare?
You decide. :-)
Veterinary General & Exotics SpecialistDVM, MRCVS GPCert (ExAP)
Since Jan 2024
Ya gotta love the chutzpa. He actually thinks he can help EVEN a turtle that's made of wood.
Veterinary SurgeonDVM
Since Sep 2021
Yes, we DO have a modern microscope... but Gokcen has his own way of doing things.
Veterinary SurgeonBSc, BVSc, MSc, MRCVS
Since May 2021
Jacques doesn't seem to realise that we did not need to scan his microchip to confirm that he's a dog.
(Good boy, Jacques! Who's a good boy!?)
Veterinary General & Orthopaedic SurgeonDVM, Surgical MSc
Since Apr 2018
Juan first joined us in 2018. But he keeps coming and going, travelling and returning, travelling and returning - and so we lose track of things sometimes.
Will he EVER just LEAVE US ALONE??!!
(Anyone for a cuppa bones?)
Veterinary SurgeonBVSc, MRCVS
Since Apr 2015
This is how she says goodbye to her customers after a consult. Nevertheless, she seems well-liked.
Veterinary SurgeonBSc, BVSc
Since Mar 2023
She clearly has QUITE a sense of humour!
(Did we make a mistake in hiring her?)
Clinical Director & PartnerBA, BVSc
Since Sep 2012
Look mommy! A sprite!
They used to separate themselves from each other sometimes. Now they rest in peace. Loved those cats.
She looks beautiful, right? Well, she's totally f*g schizophrenic.
One cooooooollll cat, man.
It is widely known that ET is "The Best Horse on Earth".
Will the "Wow" make it worth it?
Only if the rider stays on. ;-)
Clinical Director & PartnerBA, BVSc
Since Sep 2012
Look mommy! A sprite!
Veterinary General & Orthopaedic SurgeonBVSc(Hons), MSc(Cum Laude)
Since Sep 2020
He looks a little... uh... off. True. But the thing is, Miles only eats very old and very infirm human beings, so most of you have absolutely nothing to worry about!
Manager - VeterinarianVeterinary General & Orthopaedic SurgeonBVSc, MRCVS
Since Mar 2021
Rhett is very fit... but does have some intellectual deficits we're occasionally a little concerned about.
Veterinary SurgeonDVM, MRCVS
Since Mar 2018
Our Poo Pit. Though... for Stefano... a frontal attack.
Manager - Clinic Office & Reception
Since Jun 2015
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Sep 2024
Gary apparently thinks he has hair.
What a numbnut! ;-)
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Dec 2016
Wall-hugger. A bit silly, really, but he's happy.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Aug 2016
If the new hairdo fits... wear it, we say! Wear it!
Office Coordinator -cum- Receptionist
Since Jun 2024
There's only one way to be truly happy if you're working at DKC: drink foil-wrapped candies from a DKC mug.
These two are TOO beautiful. They MUST have been Photoshopped.
Office Coordinator -cum- Receptionist
Since Jun 2024
There's only one way to be truly happy if you're working at DKC: drink foil-wrapped candies from a DKC mug.
Manager - Boarding & Daycare
Since Apr 2015
Humam feels most at home inside a travel box. We kick him out when it's time to go to his actual home.
Beautiful... but a little scary, no?
That's a Walt Disney look, for sure!
One sees the eyes. Oh the eyes. The rest is just dark space.
Manager - Boarding & Daycare
Since Apr 2015
Humam feels most at home inside a travel box. We kick him out when it's time to go to his actual home.
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Aug 2024
When you join DKC, you have to read A LOT of stuff to learn A LOT of sh*t.
Office Coordinator -cum- Receptionist
Since Mar 2024
About 6 months ago, Isa was in a bar-fight and took a powerful left-hook to the jaw. He still has not fully recovered.
AND... weirdly... he STILL seems rather surprised by it all.
Their bums are stuck to each other. Weird. Maybe they need a bar-fight? ;-)
Office Coordinator -cum- Receptionist
Since Mar 2024
About 6 months ago, Isa was in a bar-fight and took a powerful left-hook to the jaw. He still has not fully recovered.
AND... weirdly... he STILL seems rather surprised by it all.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Apr 2024
Ivan has got balls.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Dec 2022
Jaime's got a secret. He thinks it's very important.
No one else actually gives a damn.
Oh well.
Manager ~ Global Relocations
Since Sep 2004
You're laughing now, but watch out for that fire extinguisher behind you, Janet!
He looks petrified but actually he's THRILLED to see you!
Can't beat THAT kinda cuteness with no kinda cute caption. So we'll just leave it at that.
Manager ~ Global Relocations
Since Sep 2004
You're laughing now, but watch out for that fire extinguisher behind you, Janet!
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Apr 2017
When you can look THIS good... THIS cool... ya just don't make a silly face.
Assistant Animal Handler
Since Jan 2023
Hmmm... wonder who likes the other least. Hmmm...
Manager - Animal Relocations Officers
Since Sep 2006
(Think Bugsy Malone:)
"It's a travel box, see. Yeh, a travel box. That's right, buddy, you got it now. A travel box."
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Oct 2021
He THOUGHT he wanted a job with us... and then he ACTUALLY got one. Oops!
Animal Handler
Since Apr 2024
That's a "cat wheel" she's sitting in.
She definitely seems to enjoy it a LOT more than the cats do!!
Animal Handler
Since Apr 2018
She's actually even cuter than she thinks she is. :-)
He's exactly as cute as he thinks he is.
Animal Handler
Since Apr 2018
She's actually even cuter than she thinks she is. :-)
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Dec 2022
Lorenzo LOVES the food we serve. ;-)
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Aug 2015
We're sceptical of his scepticism.
"I'm not kissin' nobody. Got it?"
"Where'd they go!!? Where are they??! My eyes!! My eyes!"
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Aug 2015
We're sceptical of his scepticism.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Nov 2022
Manish seems to like Christmas, right? ;-)
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Sep 2024
Mark thinks of himself as a romantic.
WE think of him as a very nice guy who needs psychiatric assistence... URGENTLY.
Office Coordinator -cum- Receptionist
Since Mar 2022
The eyes are very nice indeed... but why is she hiding her teeth?
Since Sep 2016
He's our gardener.
Be careful. Be very careful.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Aug 2024
He's so happy to be with DKC.
He doesn't know better... yet. ;-)
Since Jun 2002
You have NO idea how difficult it is to get an accountant to smile for a picture!
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Jun 2022
He just does not seem to understand that working at DKC does NOT mean he must stay in an enclosure all day!!
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Feb 2024
Neethu's smile has SUCH impressive HEFT... she needs a bird ladder to hold it up.
Wow! :-)
Carpenter & General Handyman
Since Jun 2006
This was NIrmal's reaction when we asked him to build YET ANOTHER travel box.
Assistant Veterinary Nurse
Since Sep 2008
He's standin' at the bar. He gazes over at you. He's cool. He wants you.
Now give him your number.
Manager - Veterinary Nurse
Since May 2014
She's a highly-qualified, very experienced nurse. This is how she rolls.
That's how Beth watches TV too.
Manager - Veterinary Nurse
Since May 2014
She's a highly-qualified, very experienced nurse. This is how she rolls.
Veterinary Nurse
Since Mar 2023
She's cooool. She's hip.
We call her "Laser".
The trick with computers is to WILL them into action.
Veterinary Nurse
Since Mar 2023
She's cooool. She's hip.
We call her "Laser".
Veterinary Nurse
Since Dec 2013
Camille is a little confused about which species she belongs to. And, apparently, which gender.
"Now, in this binder are the details of my feeding expections for the next month..."
"Listen, I understand what you're telling me but I really do think we need to discuss this."
Veterinary Nurse
Since Dec 2013
Camille is a little confused about which species she belongs to. And, apparently, which gender.
Veterinary Nurse
Since Jan 2023
Is that smile in anticipation or after inhalation? ;-)
Assistant Veterinary Nurse
Since Sep 2021
Every now and then, he needs a reminder of where he works.
Veterinary Nurse
Since Jan 2024
Dawn definitely "sees the light"... but she just cannot get it to turn on!
Veterinary Nurse
Since Nov 2022
There is more to Edmon than any of us know. ;-)
Veterinary Nurse
Since Oct 2024
Hassan ain't no airhead.
As for his hands?... Well, that might be a different matter.
Veterinary Nurse
Since May 2024
Don't let that look of anxiety and trepidation on Hayley's face cause you any concern at all about her love of animals ~ it's just that she's never before seen a BLUE DOG!!!
Assistant Veterinary Nurse
Since Mar 2015
She gets very excited when customers want to be shown around our place and always takes them straight to THIS plant! Awesome.
"I'm as shockingly beautiful as adobe."
"Oy! I'm restin' here, bud!"
"I love you... but I'm not moving."
Assistant Veterinary Nurse
Since Mar 2015
She gets very excited when customers want to be shown around our place and always takes them straight to THIS plant! Awesome.
Veterinary Nurse
Since Jun 2024
Talal tries to impress us with his commitment to the job by eating dog food from a dog bowl.
We believe it's a mental health issue.
Since Apr 2017
We found him in the street. He just stayed.
Principal Partner
Since Jul 1987
That twinkle in her eye is knowing that the rest of us are doing all the work. ;-/
(Hard-earned retirement.)
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Aug 2014
Very handsome. Not very entertaining, but very handsome.
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Aug 2008
He's secretly a member of the local mafia. (Oops! Did we say that out loud?)
HR & Personal Assistant to the Partners
Since Sep 2009
She's not joking.
She looks so cute, doesn't she? Well, she'll bite your head off if given half a chance!
HR & Personal Assistant to the Partners
Since Sep 2009
She's not joking.
Since Jun 2015
Ever seen a fish out of water? Gasping?
Assistant Animal Handler
Since Dec 2024
You have to forgive Rudy for his surprising excitement - he's apparently never seen a tree before. ;-)
Animal Relocations Officer
Since Sep 2024
Ryan took a job with us because... well... he saw "The Lounge" and figured he'd have no work to do at all!
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Apr 2014
When you've had just one too many customers that day.
"Sitting up like this ain't easy, you know. Not everyone can do it."
"The eyes make me look rather daunting, don't you think?"
"I don't look particularly cute, so she made me wear this hat. Not happy."
If only we were all that adorable.
"And Missy thinks she's the only one. Ha!"
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Apr 2014
When you've had just one too many customers that day.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Oct 2016
If you look real close, you'll see he's crossing just one of his eyes. Nice trick. :-)
Global Relocations Account Manager
Since Oct 2008
If you're going to wear tattoos like that, we figure you had better be ready for a fight, indeed.
Managing Partner & CEO
Since Feb 2002
Man, this guy is in the toilet.
Assistant Animal Handler & Cleaner
Since Apr 2008
Arrogant? Toothless? On meds? Goofy?
Nah, none of these.
He just swallowed something disgusting in polite company.
Oh dear.
Assistant Veterinary Nurse
Since Dec 2024
Asphyxiation by stethoscope. Hmmm...
Office Coordinators -cum- Receptionists
Animal Relocations Officers