DKC Veterinary Clinic is 24/7
Always Open. All Day. All Night.

For many years, people who loved us and hated us said it all here. Right here!

But then... it all stopped. Why? Well, Google and Facebook reviews, of course! Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaaa!

As they say, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Right! And soooooo... see the three BIG red and blue bubbles? If you want to read social media reviews about us or write one, click on the bubble of your favourite social media reviewing app and go for it!

And if you'd like to read the many rewiews of us on this page from years gone by, just scroll down a bit and start feasting! They're all completely unedited and raw ~ the good and the bad ~ but we've made this page read-only. If you want to actually write a new review, click one of the red and blue social media bubbles instead.

Animal Care. Animal Relocations. By Animal People.

Love... and other stuff too
